Volatility across the U.S. tech sector has dominated headlines in recent weeks. At Stock Doctor, we believe that market volatility should be embraced, as volatility brings opportunity for the disciplined investor. Knowing where that opportunity lies, is often what holds an investor back. With Government support packages set to wind down in the coming months, it is also important to understand the financial health of your equity investments to ensure you mitigate insolvency risk.
Since inception in 1995, our Star Growth stock picks have delivered an 18.1% p.a. total return*. This equates to an incredible cumulative return for investors. Our stock selection approach has also seen our members avoid corporate disasters, with our Financial Health Model being able to identify 96% of corporate failures before they happen.
In this webinar, we introduce you to Australia’s premier DIY share investing platform – Stock Doctor.
Our Co-Founder Tim Lincoln and Head of Research Kien Trinh, explain how our Financial Health Model (which is available exclusively through the Stock Doctor platform) has helped our members outperform the market by identifying high quality growth and income opportunities, while managing insolvency risk within their portfolios.
* This is the annualised investment performance for the star growth portfolio from its inception date 1/09/1995 to 31/08/2020 and for each notional portfolio over the period shown and includes capital returns, dividend income and estimated transaction costs (but excludes distributions, fees, charges, or tax). The portfolio assumes a full equities allocation at all times, the reinvestment of dividends and the rebalancing of the portfolio to equal weight each time a change is made to the notional portfolio (i.e. when stocks come in and out of the portfolio). All trades assume enough liquidity to purchase the required volume of stock at the closing price on the day following a star stock in/out event or on a rebalance. These past performance figures are not a reliable indicator of future performance of the notional portfolio, or any stocks included in the portfolio. In shorter time periods, the investment performance of the notional portfolio can vary to the figures shown. You should not make investment decisions based on performance figures alone. For more detailed information about how these figures are calculated, including the assumptions used, click here.
To discuss the future of your investments in detail, book in a free consultation with a Lincoln representative.
To discuss the future of your investments in detail, book in a free consultation with a Lincoln financial expert.