Investing in facts, not opinions

For over thirty years, our proprietary methodology has been analysing the financial statements of every company on the Australian Stock Exchange and since 2020, the U.S. stock exchange, because those statements aren’t opinions or hype. They are quantitative facts. Facts that allow us to determine the Financial Health of thousands of businesses within 48-hours of them reporting, so that our members can make confident and informed investment decisions.

Invest in the numbers yourself with Stock Doctor.

The ultimate solution for the self-directed investor and Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) Trustee, Stock Doctor helps you construct a portfolio that aligns to your investment objectives by giving you access to our proven quantitative stock research methodology which identifies the financially healthy, high quality stocks to invest in and those that should be avoided.

Stock Doctor also provides the essential tool set you need to create, manage and optimise your portfolio, plus access to our renowned support and training programs.

Access to our Stock Doctor Star Stocks
Outstanding long-term performance
Comprehensive suite of investment tools
Ongoing support & education

Or, invest in the numbers with our managed funds

Want to capitalise on our investment methodology but without the administration? Let Tim Lincoln and his team of investment professionals manage your funds for you through one of our Managed Funds.
“I have found the Lincoln Australian Growth Fund to be an excellent investment vehicle.”
John Richards, Stock Doctor member since 2009# and Lincoln Managed Funds investor since 2014#

Dr Merv Lincoln

Dr Merv Lincoln

Co-Founder and creator of our Financial Health methodology

The story behind invest in the numbers.

It all started over lunch with an engineer...
Our beginnings

The Golden Rules

Get an understanding of the nine golden rules to investing in this white paper, providing you with a logical and consistent framework to sharemarket success.
Download white paper

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All financial services are provided by Lincoln Indicators Pty Ltd ABN 23 006 715 573 (Lincoln) as the Corporate Authorised Representative of Lincoln Financial Group Pty Ltd ABN 70 609 751 966, AFSL 483167.

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