Exclusive weekly insights for sharemarket success.
Tim Lincoln, Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer, and Matt Swartz, Senior Portfolio Manager, will join the conversation once a month to share their passion and strategy for Lincoln Indicator’s Managed Funds, as well as their insights for investors.
Join Kien Trinh, Head of Research, and Equities Analyst Daniel Ortisi for this week’s update on market events. The pair reflect on recent insolvency statistics and the rally across the big miners.
Companies covered in this episode include Accent Group (AX1), Lovisa Holdings (LOV), Supply Network (SNL), Technology One (TNE), and Karoon Energy (KAR).
Rounding out the conversation is a quick recap of the differences between Return on Equity (ROE) and Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) under Golden Rule 2.
Tune in now for another insightful Taking Stock episode.
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To discuss the future of your investments in detail, book in a free consultation with a Lincoln financial expert.