Share market investor profiler

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Share market
investor profiler

Find out which Stock Doctor Star Stocks meet your investor profile, and get started on constructing and optimising your perfect portfolio

Important information you should read before using this tool

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Please select which age group you belong to


What is the main objective you are wanting to achieve from investing?

If you had a preference, which would you prefer?

Share price volatility

Which statement best reflects your attitude to the idea of share prices going up and down?

Portfolio risk

Which statement best reflects your attitude to the way you want your portfolio to act relative to the broader market performance?

Are you currently managing your own SMSF?

How would you rate your share market knowledge?

How do you feel about this statement - "I am currently on track to retire comfortably?"

Which statement best reflects your attitude to achieving portfolio growth?

Which statement best reflects your attitude to receiving income distributions?

Which statement best reflects your attitude to receiving income distributions?

Which statement best reflects your attitude to achieving portfolio growth?

Your investor profile is:


There are currently {{matches}} Star Stocks that suit this profile.

Discover the {{matches}} Star Stocks that meet this profile

Stock Doctor can assist you to easily identify the {{matches}} Star Stocks that meet this profile plus help you construct and manage your ideal portfolio.

{{percentages[step]}}% Complete